8:30 am... I arrive at the South Miami triage and have blood samples taken, blood pressure, and an ultrasound to check fluid and baby's weight.
10:30 am... The nurse checks and sees I'm 4 cm dilated...GREAT! We're having a baby today, she says, and calls my Dr. to confirm the results of the baby's heartbeat and fluid levels....and the Dr. has me admitted.
11:30 am... I'm taken to my room and contact Mando, Dad, and Sis to let them know I'm being induced, and it should take anywhere from 6-12 hours. Mando leaves work and goes home to fetch his bag and mother.
11:45 am... Dr. comes in and checks me, notices I have no contractions, and tried to break my water, only to realize I had very little fluid coming out...She inserts an internal monitor and right away you hear Sofia's heart rate go WAY down to about 50....at which point my Dr. goes into Emergency mode and tells me "I'm so sorry, we have to do a c-section, we can't take any chances"...I try calling mando a couple of times, and ended up texting him "Having C-section...come now"...When he received it, he dropped everything at home, grabbed his mom and raced down Bird Road to get to the hospital!
11:50 am... I'm prepped with a spinal epidural and it felt like I was in an episode of ER. Everyone racing around me, and me praying the Mando would be there in time... My mom, was escorted in, and very nervous.
12:00 pm... Mando get's to the hospital and is told he can't go in anymore...and he then demands to talk to th OR and asks to be let in...they take him to the recovery area to get suited up in scrubs.
12:05 pm... Mando's told they already started my surgery, so he wouldn't be able to go in...But to stick around because Sofia would be out in 2 min....
12:09 pm... Sofia Valeria Castillo is born! 8 lbs, 7 oz., 18.5 in. and is brought to me to see...She's beautiful...
12:15 pm... She's brought out to her father and my family.
here are some pics of the Hospital stay...
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