Apr 7, 2008


I finally went back to work two weeks ago, which was of course bitter sweet. It clearly marked the end of my 100% bonding time with Sofie, and the overwhelming sense that I'm BROKE. LOL

But, I have to admit, I couldn't have planned it better: Came back a week before Spring Break, with a Planning Day stuck in there....took a week off for Spring Break (even though I had to take a week-long painting class for my graduate work...BLAH), and now I'm back at work again, this time for the long 7-week stretch that is the end of the school year...

I'm ITCHING for summer to be here...so excited for all the things we will be able to do together as a family. Sofie will be 6 months old already in May, I can hardly believe it.

AND, to top the domesticity of it all: I have a vegetable garden. It's not fancy, but I have to admit, I have a lot of tomatoes, strawberries, mint, cilantro, parsley, and oregano....even a friggin' jalapeno! So sad that none of my bell peppers seem to take though :(

Listen to me.....When I was partying during my college days, I never thought this would be me. I always wanted to be a mom, have a home, a family, dogs, the whole nine. But it seemed so far away and unattainable. And now I got it all in a matter of a year. Funny how life works.

Anyway, sorry you had to sit through that rant...I promise to never do it again...not really, but I'll control myself in the future. LOL

Here are some of the latest pics of Sofia...Sorry it took so long to post :)
Some of them are from Easter Sunday at Tia Ines & Tio Carlos' house. And other are just random pics I've taken the last couple of weeks! Have fun!

Tio Carlos

With Abuelo.

Ziggy decided to try out our new bed before we did. *sigh*


Jackie said...

Sofie is adorable... she's getting so big by the moment. Sorry to hear about having to go back to work, but at least you have the WHOLE summer off w/ her! Good luck. =)

albertandclaudia said...

i can't believe how fast they are growing. Sofie's precious and can't wait for the triplets to get together again! :-)